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Do you have a noisy workplace?

Do you have a noisy workplace?

The Importance of Sound and Acoustics

There’s nothing worse when you’re in the zone, peak work-flow, you’ve had just the right amount of coffee, you’re deep in concentration and then bam, raucous laughter echos from across the office and that colleague with the Brian Blessed-like voice is having a heated phone conversation at the desk opposite. Suddenly you’re catapulted a million miles away from your train of thought, stopped dead in your tracks. What a nightmare, especially when you’ve got a deadline to meet!

I’m sure for many of you, this happens on a daily basis - probably even a few times a day! This irritating soundtrack of constant office chatter, phones ringing, people walking past every five minutes, printers noisily spewing out documents - the list is endless - is certainly not conducive to a productive work life. If you’re anything like me, it only takes one juicy line of gossip to be uttered and I’m switched off from work, ears pricked. And what if you just want to be able to listen to Taylor Swift’s new album in peace while you work, judgement free? Hey, we’ve all got a guilty pleasure, haven’t we?

Anyway, what all this highlights is the importance of good acoustics in the workplace. The expectations of todays modern working means we’re needing to be everywhere and do everything all at once, collaborating and communicating as we go, so if our workplaces can be multifunctional, purposefully designed spaces to encourage that, then everyone wins.

Along with the design, layout and aesthetics, the acoustics of the workplace have been significantly proven (according to various studies by WellCertified) to help with the following:

  • Reducing distraction and increasing focus
  • Increasing concentration and boosting productivity
  • Improving overall wellbeing of employees and reducing stress
  • Lowering staff turnover

And get this - to achieve all of the above, it doesn’t mean everyone has to sit in small, dark, soundproofed pods to prevent noise distraction, no! The use of glass partitioning is the perfect solution to keeping sound out and letting light in. We can do some really clever stuff these days, you know! However, as it’s practically impossible to take on the needs of each individual in the work place, we have to apply the best practices for acoustical design. This is the key, especially in open plan offices with concerns about confidentiality and privacy, too.

Acoustical design can include methods such as:

Sound Mapping

- the process of creating various acoustic zones throughout the workplace, each designated for a specific function, for example, a loud and quiet zone, mixed, or a circulation zone (spaces not used for regular occupancy like stairs, hallways, lobbies etc).

Sound Barriers

- these methods are used for increasing sound isolation and privacy between enclosed spaces by reducing the noise that transmits through walls and doors.

Reverberation Time - this requires spaces to be designed to ensure what is known as ‘acoustical comfort’ for the occupants of each space by controlling the reverberation times. Basically, reverberation time is the length of time for a sound to decay, so the larger the space, the longer the reverberation time. Think back to your days going into school assembly in that big echoey hall. In fact, studies have shown that high reverberation times in classrooms reduce cognition, memory retention and concentration, so imagine the effects in a large open plan office!

Sound Reducing Surfaces

- This is all about the use of acoustic furnishings/materials that are designed to block and absorb the sound, as well as minimise the buildup of other unwanted sounds. Aesthetics really come into play here, with lots of striking, modern designs being implemented.

So as you can see, there are many examples of how sound and acoustics play a vital part in the design and build of offices and workspaces. It’s not just about looking pretty! Accommodating sound in the right way is is a must if you want to elevate the functionality of your workspace. And by doing so you will ultimately increase the overall wellbeing of your employees, and boost productivity in the long run. It’s the perfect solution to your business.

Check out our 3D online configurator and begin your workspace transformation now.